Children's Circle is a sacred time for children on Sundays at 10 am. Using a Montessori approach to wonder, we engage with stories, activities, and crafts.
Inspired by elements of Godly Play--storytelling, prayer, art, quiet--children are introduced to faith and spiritual development.
Through appropriate language and resources, each child is invited to identify, express, and strengthen their gift of faith. Children's Circle looks at ways to enhance children's authentic experience of God while encouraging their creativity. Children return to the service for the Eucharist with their families.
Children's Circle helps nurture the spiritual lives of children by honouring their innate sense of the presence of God.
On the third Sunday of each month, the children and youth participate in the readings, prayers, and Gospel story. It is a favorite event at St. Thomas which begins with the ringing of the church bell, parading to the front with the Cross and candles, and enjoying a picnic Eucharist together. This service and the other youth and family events have brought new life and joy to all!
Families, youth, and children of all ages are welcome to participate in the liturgy, enjoy the picnic Eucharist, themed activities, and share a prepared meal on Saturday afternoons 4:30 - 6:30 pm. (Dates will be announced throughout the year.)
The afternoon is filled with get-to-know-you fun games, experience processing into the church with the cross, candles, and bread & juice for a wonderful picnic Eucharist, participate in liturgical-themed activities (Season of Creation, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, etc…) and supper is prepared!
This is a great opportunity to enjoy and belong in a faith community and invite friends, grandkids, cousins…
All are welcome to join these wonderful families-in-action!
Watch our Family Service livestreamed on Nov. 17, 2024: