Dear Friends,
And a blessed All Souls Day to you! Today we remember all who have gone before us and who have influenced us towards or on our journey of faith with Christ. Perhaps you'll raise a toast to them at supper or say a prayer of thanks for them. I'm lighting a candle at the church tonight in remembrance and gratefulness for my mom who prayed for me so diligently over the years (and perhaps in the mystery of the communion of the saints still does!).
November 5th, 10:30 am (Massey Theatre, New Westminster) -- Rector's Warden, Wayne Adams will be inducted into The Order of New Westminster (ODNW), an order that honours faithful and steadfast service amongst lay people in the Anglican Church. This is an honour that Wayne richly deserves. During the pandemic and beyond I've been privileged to observe the kind, yet determined way, in which he interacts with people while juggling the various tasks of being a Warden, especially all the varied tasks of being in charge of building maintenance. If you can come please do so; it's an interesting service and there is a reception to follow! Let me know if you're interested in going and we'll try to organize rides.
Sunday Potluck Brunch next week – Nov. 13 following the 9 am service. A NEW! bi-monthly event when Fr. Allen stays after the service. Bring something to share! Contact persons: Wayne and Irene.
New! Family Fun Eucharist Service and Supper on Saturday, Dec. 10th 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Bring your kids/youth or grandkids as we gather for Advent/Christmas. This gathering is to encourage kids to participate in the liturgy of the church, build into the community of faith, and establish a place of belonging in God’s family and at St. Thomas. We will have get-to-know-you games, process over to the church for some repeat-after-me liturgy and a picnic style Eucharist, then return to the hall for activity stations and supper!
Please register to ensure we have enough supper and cookies to decorate, etc. Lorie 604-217-6966 or call the Church office 604-792-8521.
Friday Healing Eucharist gatherings are being enjoyed by many – almost a dozen people have been coming for the sacraments of anointing with holy oil and the Eucharist. The optional Christian practice time that follows has been a rich time in scripture, prayer, reflection, and sharing – truly a wonder-full time in relationship and spiritual growth. I’m so thrilled to journey with people in this way. ALL are welcome to join. We had the joy of Brian Buckley and his daughter Diedre with us this week! Lots of beautiful new faces and some precious ones from the past. Growing together!
Please feel free to share news of comings and goings as well as what you're doing to grow your faith! When we share ideas and insights, we participate in nudging each other towards participating in God's Mission here in Chilliwack.
God's very best this week!
Fr. Allen Doerksen