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As St. Thomas celebrated it's 150th anniversary last fall, many repairs and maintenance needs appeared. Parishioners raised $10,000 in gifts for the anniversary ($150 per person or per family or $10! Any amount). This was remarkable. We still fell short of all the work required. We applied for assistance with the Anglican Foundation of Canada who has been helping churches for the past 65 years.

The part of the project AFC assisted St. Thomas with in the updating and maintenance of the 150-year-old building was to purchase a new projector for the Power Point used in the worship services, for workshops, and for funerals and weddings. The old one was unreliable and flickering a lot and past the date of repair. Thanks to local company, Music Worx Audio Video for their great help with this. We also needed to update some new plug in’s for sound equipment and have better lighting with updated lights in the hall for our gatherings and the daycare that uses it throughout the week. Having a historic building that is iconic in the city is such an honor and also a very big responsibility. A big thank you to AFC for helping us to continue the legacy of care and maintenance for this very important place and people in Chilliwack!