Dear Friends,
It is with joy that I remind you that Bishop John Stephens will be our guest this weekend. Bishop John and the Parish Council invite you to an event held in our parish hall, Saturday evening from 7:30-9:00 pm.
This will be a time to visit with him, ask him questions, and eat some of the Christmasy finger foods prepared by Irene Tisdale. Please come if you can; it's a parish-building event! Bishop John will also be presiding and preaching at our 9:00 am Eucharist, the next day, Sunday, December 4th.
Events coming up:
Dec 2nd, Healing Eucharist and Circles of Grace (More information here)
Dec 3rd - 7:30 Bishop John in the hall (see above)
Dec 4th - 9:00 Holy Eucharist (Bishop John)
Dec 10th - Please invite families or grandkids to join us from 4:30-6:30 for a fun family service.
Advent Blessings,