Would you like to become more involved?
We wonder what you are passionate about?!
At St. Thomas, we participate in God's mission to set the world to rights through whatever gifts we can offer. 

The Christian journey invites all to the vibrant life of Christ and to follow The Way of Love. Volunteering is a natural outflow from our personal and community connection with the Spirit of God. At St. Thomas there are many opportunities to volunteer in worship, volunteer in ministry, and participate in spiritual growth.

You are encouraged to join an existing ministry, or to join with a few others to form a new one!
Please connect with the Wardens, or the Clergy to share your ideas and see where your thoughts and dreams might lead.

Volunteers in Worship

Contact Rev. Lorie if you are interested in helping out in worship in one or more of the ways below.

Greeters and Sides Persons
This group of parishioners welcomes everyone to church on Sunday mornings. They ensure that everyone has a bulletin to follow the service, and they take up the collection.
Members of the congregation who volunteer to read the designated passages from the Old Testament and New Testament Letters during the service.
Members of the parish who prepare and lead the "Prayers of the People" at each service.
Lay Administrators
Members of the parish who have been trained to assist the clergy with the giving of communion.
Servers light and extinguish the candles used during worship, carry the cross and the Gospel Book at specified times during the service, and assist the clergy with the preparation and cleaning of the altar at the time of the Eucharist.
Counters accurately process the weekly collection, ensuring that donations are recorded on a report for the Envelope Secretary and are directed to the appropriate ministries.

More Volunteer Opportunities

Hospitality Team
On most Sundays, after the service, 2 or 3 people volunteer to make and serve tea, coffee, and yummy treats. If you'd like to be involved, see Wayne or Irene.
Community Care
Please contact Rev. Lorie Martin if you are interested in helping with the work of pastoral visiting and prayer in Care Homes and the hospital. Training and mentoring will be provided for newcomers.

Grounds and Building Maintenance
St. Thomas is a heritage building, one of the treasures of Chilliwack. As such, there is plenty of maintenance and repair work that needs regular attention. Grounds work includes lawn cutting, weeding, trimming, and gardening.

Infinite Lord and eternal God,
Rouse your church in this place.
Restore your people’s sense of mission,
And revive your work in holiness and strength.
By your Spirit, teach us to give our energy,
Our time, our money, our service and our prayer,
That your kingdom may be advanced here, and in the entire world.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Church of Wales