5th Sunday of Easter – The Stoning of Stephen & The Third Way
You and I are spiritual homes – I wonder what that might look like? We are invited to “be spiritual houses, a holy priesthood” – We are God’s own people. And because we are God’s family, we need “not let our hearts be troubled” because there are many rooms in our father’s house where rooms are being prepared for us.
We are spiritual homes, and we are going to an incredibly astonishing spiritual home when we die. How does that sound?
I don’t know about you, but when I hear that my kids or grandkids are coming to stay for a few days – I get things ready – I start setting up their rooms, I fill the fridge and freezer with their favorite foods and drinks – I know I want a mango for Lincoln, strawberries for Victoria, and raspberries for Evelyn. My mom and dad do the same thing when I go to visit them in Edmonton. They prepare the place for me. It is so endearing and precious to be wanted and to have a place to belong. I receive this enormous blessing and I do so realizing that not everyone has this and for that I grieve deeply and try to welcome others in.
This image of Jesus preparing rooms for us in our Father’ house is quite spectacular – They are longing for us to come and FILL THE HOUSE! The kids are coming home! Let’s get ready! [See Sermon Notes for the entire text.]