Sermon – May 14 2023
I was visiting a woman in her final days of life. We had visited many times when she was not laying down. I remember times of tea in her apartment or picking blackberries together and I fondly remember her coming to my husband Dwight for her weekly after-service BIG HUG. Kay lived a long, good life – she had also suffered much as we all do in different ways. Kay’s body was getting ready to let her go – to be born again into her next life. She was transitioning from one way of living to another.
Kay slept a lot. One day when she opened her eyes and saw me, she whispered a few words. They weren’t just any old words – they were coming from a deeper place in her. These 6 little words came from her deepest self.
St. Catherine of Siena, who lived in the 1300’s, and is known as a Doctor of the Church for her nearly 400 letters, prayers and treatises which unified the church in her day says:
“Our DEEPEST SELF IS GOD” – this is the image of God within us – for in Christ we live and move and have our being. [See Sermon Notes for the entire text.]
(Collect, songs, and readings are included in the Sermon Notes.)