Sermon – July 2 Freedom from Domination – Love wins
We like to win, don’t we?! No one likes to lose.
I remember playing tiddly-winks with my granddaughter Victoria when she was 4 years old. Anyone here remember tiddly-winks? It’s so fun – you take a small round plastic chip and press it down on the very edge or tip of another chip and the pressure makes the chip that’s laying down jump! It hops across the table or game board. It’s great fun to see the chips go flying around the room when we are supposed to be aiming to get the little chip into the cup that’s in the middle of the table. We were having a great time – and of course at times I would let her win so she could have a sense of accomplishment and keep trying and enjoy the game – Likely from time to time we all have done that for children in your lives – we let them win. In a sense we chose to ‘lose.’ [See Sermon Notes for the entire text.]