Sermon – September 24, 2023
It’s a win – win!
To live is Christ, and to die is gain. It’s a win-win.
Living is Christ in the here and now. It is living the joy of our faith with fruitful labor, productivity, and the growth of God’s kingdom on earth. A time to abundantly boast in the Lord. When we boast we call attention to something good, some accomplishment that has been achieved. Boasting in the Lord is calling attention to the goodness of God and the Good News. When we are alive on earth, we get to call attention to the goodness of God!
Dying is gain – for when we depart from this way of living in our human bodies, as Christians, we trust that the other way of living, after this human life, is gain, it is more than this life… To live or die is a win – win.
Living is the joy of Christ on earth! And dying is the gain of being face to face with Christ. Christ always with us – but in different ways. [See Sermon Notes for remainder of the text.]