Sermon – Sept 10: The Lord Said…
The Old Testament is a Historical story. It is showing how the Israelites and their communities lived. In this way we see how they were discovering who they were and who God is and experiencing how great the covenant love of God sets us free.
Our readings today started in the Hebrew Scriptures of Exodus with three words: The Lord said. What a good reminder that God speaks to our hearts. In this story God spoke to Moses and Aaron showing us that sometimes God speaks to us in a collective – where two or three are gathered for this is where God is among us.
In this story of The Passover of the Lord, God said to put blood on the doorposts and the lintel – the lintel is the beam that reaches across the top of a door or window. In a sense they were marking their coming in and in this case marking their going out where God was calling them to set them free. They marked it with blood from a lamb – they marked it with something that God provided them to nourish them. [See the Sermon Notes for the rest of the text.]